Sunday, October 16, 2011

Planet Side Life

It's good to have family and even a Capsuleer must attend to family when the going gets rough.

Although it is tough being grounded, it does allow the crew time to connect with their families as well. We'll be heading back into the black soon enough.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

New Beginnings, Again

We've moved into a new alliance, a wormhole alliance for the most part. Burning Spear fields a larger, more capable force and is not bound by the Not Red Don't Shoot rules of engagement. They were able to field a good sized fleet to come and assist us in a recent wormhole episode and I was impressed with how easily we were able to work with them. It's the place for us. 

Logistically, it isn't going to be much of a change. I am establishing a hi-sec area of operations for industrial and mission based activities. We've also started bringing in new pilots so we're seeing an influx of replacements filling our own ranks. The future is so bright, I gotta wear shades.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Getting Back Into It

Planet side duties have kept me quite occupied lately and I have had very little time to keep the crews in shape. Our patrol went well the other night and we just completed a test run in the new stealth bomber.

Although we didn't get any kills, we did not get killed or even take fire. We dealt over 1,000 hp of damage to an assault ship over the course of 2 bombing runs. Each time we were able to evade quick enough to keep from getting locked. The second time we did hear the alarm sound that we were being targeted just as we entered warp. We would have done more damage and perhaps gotten a kill had the weapons control officer remembered to use the target painter. Bombs don't do the damage to frigates that they do to battle cruisers and battle ships. The goal of practicing bombing runs in a combat setting was highly successful though and the crew was quick to get into a good rhythm.

I'm finding the stealth bomber a tough ship to solo in but cannot wait to start working in packs.

Friday, August 12, 2011

First Patrol

Tonight was spent familiarizing myself and the crew to our new AO. I'm moving my empire space operations into the same area as the Alliance operates in. Time to hone up our scouting and fleet operations skills a bit.

Overall, and at least tonight, this low and null sec area is relatively quiet. The pilots even seem friendly enough, even those that call themselves pirates. Had an interesting convo going in local with some not so successful pirates.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Operation Delta Dawn

With both production lines now on full operation Delta Station is running smoothly, fueled and ready for the final touches. An entire POS moved, setup, fueled and operational all done during a wardec.
During the launching day, one of the wardec parties dropped their wardec. One down, one to go.

Normalcy Established

Life has returned to semi-normalcy, as close as it gets out here on the edge. You'd think that in space there would be plenty of, well, space. The edges of empire, especially the high sec fringes are just crammed with pilots. With the proper space suit I bet you could walk from one end of Jita to the other.

Out here though, I can breath, as long as the atmosphere scrubbers are functioning properly. In the last week I've managed to move in excess of 400,000 m3 of equipment and supplies. One operation alone I was able to move 26 jumps round trip for 7 trips. Each trip 22 of the systems were low sec. Plenty of pirate activity to keep me on my toes but it was a lot of fun. Now I'm setting up the benefit of all of that work. Production should be up and running tonight if all goes well.

The crew is functioning like a well oiled machine. Morale is high as profit share continue flowing again. I think we've adjusted to being in a state of war, everyone seems to finally be on their toes. Cross training is going well and a good solid foundation is finally getting into place. Let's hope the next report is as good.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

New Strip Miners

I just picked up some new "Blue Beam" strip miners, shiny!

What? What is that? Arkonor? No???

Yep, bringing it home at an undisclosed location...

Seeing the Sites

These jokers who have been wardecing us are not fond of low or null sec so it's given me some time to check out the sites.....
The Monolith.... Maybe this will make the monkies want to move on with their lives.
Abandoned Amarr Research Post...
The Eve Gate, in New Eden System....

Friday, July 1, 2011

Can't Talk Now...

So with the wardec in it's 3rd or 4th week I can't post very much interesting news for security reasons obviously. I was however looking at some entertainment vids coming in from the cortex and found the following...

Seems fitting on other levels as well, you can't stop the signal....

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Mining Trinity

Three Hulks working the hole is worth 10 in the hangar....
Any successful wardec should put a stop to industrial activities, key word 'should'. The crew harvesting Arkonor at an undisclosed location.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Inner Sphere Industries Military Commendation Medal

Presented by Waren Bufet on behalf of Inner Sphere Industries on May 24, 2011, 17:14 hours Jita Time.

It gives me get pride to announced that I have given Shaddai Zenjii The Inner Sphere Industries Military Commendation Medal for his quick thinking and action while under fire.

Shaddai Zenjii was running a mission with some fellow corp mates when a ninja looter came into the mission site. The order was given by the FC to shoot the ninja looter which was quickly followed by “oh shit it is a trap”. Five other ships with the ninja looter warped in and warp scam Shaddai. Everyone else in the fleet made it out but the ninja looters where there for Shaddai Navy Apocalypse ship. Instead of just giving up, Shaddai quickly assessed the situation and decided his only option was to self destruct his ship to deny the ninja looters their kill mail. Then with only five sec left on the self destruct timer the ninja looters deactivated their warp scrambler. Most likely they where trying to get a pod kill. Shaddai noticed that he has no longer warp scrammed and within split seconds warped his ship out and deactivated the self destruct. There by saving his Navy Apocalypse ship and giving the ninja looters the finger as he warped off.

For these actions Shaddai Zenjii has earned The Inner Sphere Industries Military Commendation Medal.

Special Corporate Notice presented by CEO Lance Ducatillon on May 25, 2011, 01:47 Jita Time.

Fucking-A right he earned it! Nicely done Shaddai Zenjii. This medal will be aka the "James Tiberius Kirk" award for not believing in a no win scenerio.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

POS Fuel Truckers

We successfully completed getting a load of Ice Fuels into the WH for the POS. Pretty solid operation as I took a full load from Sam; Max picked up the rest in an Orca and brought it to the rendezvous system from Jita. I was ahead of Max far enough that it enabled me to bring out excess PI for sell. Three full loads of PI should make for a good profit share. Finn kept a weather eye on the low sec gate and all went well.

Overall a very quiet night. We needed that tonight, sometimes the Eve gods are good to you. Usually right before they smash you down.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Surprise Attack

After the R&R was over I rendezvoused with the crew and the Rook and headed to meet up with the mostly rookie crew working the wormhole. Of course along the way my usual devious plan popped into my head.

After a dozen or so jumps, a quarter of which was in low sec, I successfully inserted into the wormhole unknown to the unsuspecting noobs. In order for my plan to work I had to switch ships and gear up and hope they did not notice me on the scanners.

I warped into the POS and switched ships but saw on my scanners an incoming noob. I had to jump out quick and as soon as I cleared the shields I cloaked up. The incoming noob actually saw on his scanners the Rook I was in and sounded the alarm. This brought the whole mining party back to the POS and as is SOP they jumped into probers and combat ships hoping to catch the "intruder". I had successfully warped away in my stealth bomber with them none the wiser thinking an enemy Rook was in the system.

Smiling to myself and cloaked up in my safe spot my self gloating was short lived as I was interrupted by my first officer. She notified me that all we had on board were concussion bombs that would most likely destroy the retrievers, possibly destroy any of the haulers and damage the Hulks. I had to smile and laugh an evil laugh at the thought but decided against using the concussion bombs, after all this was just supposed to be a lesson.

Now the problem was, how do I exchange out my bombs for void bombs that would just suck their cap down? It quickly hit me, Finn Morgan would do it. Finn will do anything for ISK but this he did for free because he liked the idea of screwing with the noobs. He managed to pick up a couple of void bombs and brought them out to my safe spot, jettisoned them then flew off to get a front row seat of the action.

Switching the bombs took a bit of time but that was fine, it took them awhile but the gave up the chase on the Rook. Again I laughed, it took them awhile to give up on finding a Rook that did not exist. Finally the time arrived. I was able to warp in cloaked up and setup for the bomb run. At 30km we de-cloaked and let loose our fury. Bomb was away and inbound before I fully decloaked; the torpedo was homing in on the jetcan they were filling up. By the time they saw the explosion I was already cloaked up and laughing my ass off.

The best part is always hearing and seeing the chat channels: "VOID BOMB!!", "What was that?", "Where did the can go?", "Did you guys see Lance?", "Hey, what just happened, my cap is empty?!". I think Finn shit himself he laughed so hard.

As fun as it was though, these guys did really well. I believe we only ended up attacking 3 of the 6 in the hole do mostly to the alertness of Rook alert. These guys did real good for noobs on their first wormhole outing. This should be a good crew, let's see how it pays out in ISK.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Rest and Relaxation, Planetside

I met up with another pilot for a little R&R recently. We decided we needed to hone our sharpshooting skills  in earth norm gravity. Here's Mattrixx taking aim on golf ball at 25 yards.
Here he is AFTER he hit it!
Shhhh, I counted 8 shots before he hit it. But he did hit it.